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You are here: Home >> Resources >> Awareness Month Resources >> February Is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

February Is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

"How Teens Are Creating Healthy Relationships in the Age of Snapchat" by Rev. Lydia Mulkey.

Teen dating violence is defined as the physical, sexual, or psychological/ emotional violence within a dating relationship, as well as stalking. It can occur in person or electronically and may occur between a current or former dating partner. In a nationwide survey, 9.4 percent of high school students report being hit, slapped, or physically hurt on purpose by their boyfriend or girlfriend within the past 12 months (source: CDC)

Youth who are in abusive relationships or are exposed to domestic violence are more likely to perpetuate the cycle of abuse as adults. Education is a critical step in preventing teen dating violence. Below are some resources and tools to help you.

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