Our online store is closed.

You can find all our videos available for free on YouTube including
A Sacred Trust (Clergy Healthy Boundaries)
Broken Vows: Religious Perspectives to Domestic Violence

Our published books and brochures are available as free PDF downloads at VAWnet, the online library of the

National Resource Center on Domestic Violence.

Click the link below for more information about our boundaries training materials including links to purchase printed copies of 101 & 201 Healthy Boundaries workbooks

FaithTrust Institute has published an updated edition of Responding To Clergy Misconduct: A Handbook originally written and published in 2009.

The 2022 updated edition titled Responding to Spiritual Leader Misconduct lays out the basic principles of analysis of misconduct in a spiritual or religious community: who, what, when, and where. It offers the principles for trauma-informed responses to complaints and the conceptual framework to navigate the process of response. The handbook is non-denominational and multifaith and not intended to represent the teachings of any particular spiritual tradition in matters of doctrine or morals.

The handbook (PDF, 204 pgs) is free and available to download Responding to Spiritual Leader MisconductA printed copy can be purchased at Amazon.com.

Dear friends,

Because you are a supporter and ally of FaithTrust Institute, we share news about the organization's transitions.

Like many non-profits, we faced growing financial challenges generated by the March 2020 COVID lockdown. In our ongoing efforts to act as good stewards of our resources, we have made a few changes.

We launched the Free-for-All Initiative in June 2022, which has made all the books and videos created and published by the organization free on public online sites. Our books and print resources are hosted on VAWnet, which is the online library of National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV). Our videos are available for free on FaithTrust Institute�s YouTube channel.

With the implementation of the Free-for-All Initiative, our online store closed June 2022. We no longer sell and ship print or video products. All the materials that we have published over our 45 years are available for free to download at VAWnet and the YouTube channel.

Our online Buddhist boundary training, with its core FaithTrust Institute curriculum, moved to a new organization formed by our outstanding teacher group. Class registration information is available at BuddhistHealthyBoundaries.org.

We moved to a virtual office space effective June 2022.
On behalf of the board and staff, we thank you and are deeply grateful for your support of our mission and work.

To contact us email: info@faithtrustinstitute.org. Our mailing address is 3250 Airport Way S., Suite 201, Seattle, WA 98134

For more information about our Healthy Boundaries training materials, Click here!

Transitions at FaithTrust Institute

New Resource -
Responding to Spiritual Leader Misconduct: A Handbook

For access to our online
articles and resources,
Click here!